
ummm... hello

Pretty boring for a first post. It *will* improve (and get more aesthetically pleasing) in the not-too-distant future. Promise.


Feral said...


Anonymous said...

Hello, yourself.

exModia Staff said...

Well, we sincerely hope so.

Welcome aboard!

Rain, Miss LuLu & the exModia Staff

Feral said...

Holy crap!

Berto... did you know that some honkin' huge mountains just sprouted up on your blog? They did... honkin' huge ones.

I think you might be on a major fault line or something.

'berto said...

Said mountains (actually, the photo of said mountains) has been trimmed a tad...

Feral said...

I'm telling you... they weren't there, and now they're there... it's, like, plate tectonics or something.

I suspect sasquatches. I do. Guard your beer.

No... wait... take the beer and run like the wind. Yeah... that's the ticket.

If those sasquatches can use plate tectonics to lift mountains like that on your blog, there's no telling what they can do. Best to just run.


But with the beer... not without the beer. That would defeat the purpose.

'berto said...

It's not "plate tectonics" at all. It's *magic*... Those ARE the Valhalla Mountains, after all. *wink*

Feral said...


Holy Crap!!!!!

The sasquatches have gotten ahold of magic!

Yer beer is doomed, bro.

Feral said...

Oh oh...

Don't look now, Berto, but I think them sasquatches have stuck some sort of Bear-infiltrator on your blog.

He's like... beardy (as they say in these parts).

I'm betting your beer is already history.